Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Mexico?

Yep, New Mexico. After spending a year and a half taking pre-requisite courses for grad school, I was accepted into the graduate program at the University of New Mexico. So, as of August 11th I have been a resident of New Mexico.

You might ask, "Why, New Mexico?" really I don't know. I applied to four schools and UNM is the only one that wanted me. So, UNM it is.

I've met some pretty cool people, and some pretty uncool people, but honestly I am not here to make friends. I am here to get my degree and hopefully make a difference in the lives of the people around me.

And that's something to curl up with.

Monday, November 5, 2012

another scorpion?

Back in March, I made a post about scorpion pose. You can view it here. Since then I have been working on my core strength and balance. I have little by little been moving away from the wall. Although, I am not yet confidant enough to try it in the middle of a room, I am able to balance in the pose without the support of the wall. Soon, I will be in the middle of the room.

So, I would like to encourage you to keep working towards your goals. You will get there if you set your mind to it. One day you will be doing scorpion in the middle of the room like me, and that's something to curl up with.   

Sunday, November 4, 2012

a recap?

It has been so long, that I am not even sure how to do this anymore. Actually a few months back, I think it was around Independence Day, I started a post, but never finished. Here is how that post went:
"On Friday I was being very domestic. I made coffee and black bean brownies, Kashi GoLean cereal bars, almond butter, fro-yo and a fruit salad. It all started out because I wanted to make my own cereal bars. I hate buying them, and I knew I could do it myself, I just needed a recipe. So Thursday night, I did a google search and found a recipe. I also found recipes for the almond butter, fro-yo and brownies. I have to say the only disappointment was the fro-yo. So here are the recipes if you want to try any of them out yourself. Coffee and Black Bean Brownies..."

And that's where it ended. I guess I really didn't want to share my recipes. Because it has been 5 months since I last posted, I am just going to do a recap of what has been going on.

1. I became really domesticated over the summer. It started with baking chocolate chip cookies for Father's Day, black bean brownies for Independence Day, more cookies for Labor Day, peanut butter brookies for back to school, and yet more cookies for Halloween. I've already planned what I am making for Thanksgiving, pumpkin pie pinwheel cookies, pecan pie bars, apple pie bars, and whipped sweet potatoes with granola. I also have a potluck at work the Friday before Thanksgiving, so for that I am making apple pie pinwheel cookies.  I am sure, Christmas will bring more cookies.

2. I finished taking prerequisite courses at CSUN and moved on to taking then at USU. I am applying to grad school this month, although I won't know if I have been accepted until March. The wait is the hard part. I have decided that I will be a student for the rest of my life so that I never have to payback my student loans. Does that count as cheating?

3. I started taking Zumba and love it. As of the beginning of September, I spend about 16 hours exercising a week. Eleven of those hours are spent in the gym. The other five or so are in the saddle. Is that a lot? I don't think so.

4. I ran my second, and most likely last, 10k. Mom, Dad, and Alicia ran with me this time. We are doing the Turkey Day Dash this year and Anthony and Dianna are going to join us. 

So, I think that's it. A lot has happened yet a lot has stayed the same, and that's something to curl up with.

Monday, May 21, 2012

...a week of nothing?

Because, I have totally been MIA for the last two weeks, I decided to do a short recap.

Saturday May 5th, I took park in my first metric half century bike race, The Tour of Long Beach. It was 30 miles and I finished in 2 hours and 20 minutes. I was quite happy with my time. I had expected it to take me about 3 hours, but it was all flat ground, which means a faster time but constant peddling. There is no coasting on a flat course. That night I started looking at up-coming events to see what I would do next. I have yet to choose an event, but I will let you know when I do.

On May 17th, I took my last final for the semester and taught my last lesson for the year. So it has been a couple of hectic weeks, I am glad they are over. Finally, I get to take a week-long break from my crazy life of the past five months. I go back to school on the 29th, and I will be subbing a few days here and there until school is out. And I am glad I do, I think I would go crazy if I did not have something to do.

A short break is definitely something to curl up with.

Monday, April 30, 2012

...getting older?

Last Thursday, I turned 30. And I have to say that I am in the best shape I have ever been in. I look better. I feel better. I am able to do things that even as a child, I wasn't able to do. And, I attribute a lot of that, to the fact that I am more physically active, than I every was before.

I am a strong believer that for one to stay young, one must get up an move. You are only as old as you feel, and if you are able to get up and go for a walk, then you should. Think about it, when you don't use things, you lose them. That includes muscle mass. So get up and use your muscles, and start to feel better.

Feeling better is something to curl up with.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

...Bonnie and Clyde?

As you know, I love to ride. For the last year and a half, I have been riding Clyde. He is a steel beast, and has trained me well. I love him. He is thick and heavy and comfortable. We have gone over 2000 miles together, and I am sure we will do many more. 

Now Bonnie, named after carbon, is a sweet and sexy, red head. She's fast and lightweight. (She only weighs about 16 lbs.) She makes me use muscles that I didn't know I had. She is going to do wonders for my back, glutes, and legs. So far, we have only gone about 25 miles together, but like with Clyde, I am sure we will do many more.

Bonnie and Clyde are definitely somethings to curl up with!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

...my trainer?

You are my trainer this week. Text me or
post a comment and I will do some extra exercises. Hey maybe we could do them together. That would be fun. You can do it. I know you can, because I've seen it before.

So come on, send me a message. I know you want to. I dare you to. No wait. I triple double dog dare you to. So, what are you waiting for? It's only a little text. Six letters at the most. Just do it. I'm asking for it.

Support from friends is something to curl up with.